Tuning In Podcast
Welcome to the Tuning In Podcast where we attune and align with your inner world. We discuss emotional waves, Inner Voice and the vast wisdom of your body.
I’m your host, Dana Evans, and emotional clearing and Inner Voice coach. I am also your buoy in the ocean of emotion. Together we go DEEP, but we never sink. We bob up and down and explore what is all around. Welcome, YOU have arrived.
Tuning In Podcast
Episode 167: I stopped spending money for a month… Here’s what happened
Today, I’m sharing my experience with a month-long financial fast—why I did it, the surprising lessons I learned, and how it completely reset my relationship with money and consumption. What started as a challenge to curb unnecessary spending turned into a transformative experience that left me feeling lighter, more intentional, and way more grateful for what I already have. I’ll take you through the rules I set, the shifts I experienced, and why I’ll be making this an annual practice. If you’ve ever felt stuck in a cycle of mindless spending or overwhelmed by consumption, this episode is for you!
Key Takeaways:
- How a financial fast can reset your mindset around spending and consumption
- The powerful shift that happens when you break the cycle of over-consuming
- Practical ways to curb impulse spending and increase financial awareness
- How fasting from things like TV and social media can open space for creativity, movement, and joy
- The lasting effects of the fast and how it changed my approach to money for good
Mentioned in this Episode:
- 2024 Financial Fast Episode 143
- Monarch - Money Management App (free 30 day trial)
- Libby Libray App
- BookBub.com — discount books
- Thriftbooks.com — discount physical books
- Uncommon Beauty Eye Cream