Tuning In Podcast

Episode 167: I stopped spending money for a month… Here’s what happened

Dana Evans Season 6 Episode 167

Today, I’m sharing my experience with a month-long financial fast—why I did it, the surprising lessons I learned, and how it completely reset my relationship with money and consumption. What started as a challenge to curb unnecessary spending turned into a transformative experience that left me feeling lighter, more intentional, and way more grateful for what I already have. I’ll take you through the rules I set, the shifts I experienced, and why I’ll be making this an annual practice. If you’ve ever felt stuck in a cycle of mindless spending or overwhelmed by consumption, this episode is for you!

Key Takeaways:

  • How a financial fast can reset your mindset around spending and consumption
  • The powerful shift that happens when you break the cycle of over-consuming
  • Practical ways to curb impulse spending and increase financial awareness
  • How fasting from things like TV and social media can open space for creativity, movement, and joy
  • The lasting effects of the fast and how it changed my approach to money for good

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