Tuning In Podcast
Welcome to the Tuning In Podcast where we attune and align with your inner world. We discuss emotional waves, Inner Voice and the vast wisdom of your body.
I’m your host, Dana Evans, and emotional clearing and Inner Voice coach. I am also your buoy in the ocean of emotion. Together we go DEEP, but we never sink. We bob up and down and explore what is all around. Welcome, YOU have arrived.
Tuning In Podcast
Episode 162: Emotional Hangovers -- what they are, how they show up, and how to deal with them
This week we talk about Emotional Hangovers. Yes, they are a real thing and yes, they feel a lot like alcohol or energetic / people hangovers. This episodes talks about what an emotional hangover is, what the symptoms are and how to deal with one if you get it. The good news is, unlike alcohol hangovers, the emotional hangover is a GOOD thing and the next stop is clarity, inspiration and true ease.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Emotions Decoded Audio Program