Tuning In Podcast
Welcome to the Tuning In Podcast where we attune and align with your inner world. We discuss emotional waves, Inner Voice and the vast wisdom of your body.
I’m your host, Dana Evans, and emotional clearing and Inner Voice coach. I am also your buoy in the ocean of emotion. Together we go DEEP, but we never sink. We bob up and down and explore what is all around. Welcome, YOU have arrived.
Tuning In Podcast
Episode 152: Cleaning Up: The Liver’s Role in Physical and Emotional Detox
The liver is a powerhouse! It is an essential in processing toxins in our physical and emotional bodies. Our health is dependent on the health of our livers. In this episode of the Tuning In Podcast I take you through an in-depth exploration of liver health and the important role it place in our overall wellbeing. I discus the significance of the liver in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, and share hands-on techniques and practices for supporting liver function. I also offer recommendations for liver-friendly herbs and products. The episode emphasizes the importance of spring cleaning for the liver and offers practical tips for liver support and overall well-being.
I'm also super excited to share that you can now TEXT me about this episode. Simply click "Text this episode" to share feedback, ask questions or make suggestions for future episodes.
*This episode shares insights and experience I have had. It is not intended to diagnose, be a medical resource or replace professional guidance and support.